Tuesday, May 5, 2020

America (586 words) Essay Example For Students

America (586 words) Essay AmericaannonThe United Stated is currently the most influential country on theface of the earth. Not only concerning the issues of money and businessbut also our choices of music clothes and recreational activities. Often times people think of countries such as Japan and China asbeing completely different. We think they have strange dress and oddcustoms, they are thought to have a completely different culture thanours. You will find that that is incorrect, the ir cultures are actuallyvery similar to ours. Because of the amount of clothing, food and otherproducts that we ship out of this country every day our culture has nochoice but to ooze out of our borders onto foreign soil. For example youcould walk i nto a modern Japanese society expecting a bunch of old peoplekneeling on dirt floors wearing kimonos and drinking green tea butactually find a society of youths wearing Levi jeans, trendy clothes,listening to American pop-rock music, and eating Big Mac s that they justbought from down the street at their local McDonalds. You could also finda group of people watching a football game and gossiping about the newmovie with â€Å"that really hot American chick in it†. Of course allcountries h ave different h olidays and traditions, they eat differentfoods and have customs that seem strange to us but more and more theirways seem to be becoming like those of us here in the United States ofAmerica. The question asks if I think that the influence of our â€Å"popculture† will continue. I think that that all depends on weather or notwe remain the worlds â€Å"super power† in the future. I think that the reasonthat we are imitated by other countries is bec ause of our wealth andpower. It is sort of like the United States is the most popular girl inschool. She has a bunch of followers who dress like her, do their hairlike her and claim to like the same music and movies as her. But nomatter how hard th ey try they can never quite keep up to her everchanging style. Much like the patterns of the countries that try toimitate the U.S. If you look closely at these cultures you will noticethat the clothes that they wear were the clothes that we wore ten yearsago and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are groovin’ to the sounds of theeighties as we speak. I often wonder why we haven’t picked up much of any othercountries culture. Sure, there have been fads like the Macarena and theon going like for foods such as tacos and chop suey, but every thing isalways somehow Americanized. I suppose it’s beca use we are sopreoccupied with our own appearances and our countries image that we don’thave time to stop and look around. Or maybe its the fact that we aretrying to convince ourselves that everybody wants to be like us and thatis how it will always b e. No matter what happens though, there is always a new popular girlthat everybody wants to be like. Her power dies down and the followersfind some one else to imitate. I think that sooner or later, maybe not inmy lifetime, that the awe of the United S tates will die down along withthe influence and the power on other countries and they will find someoneelse to follow or maybe they will gain the power and self respect to betheir own nation, to not pay attention to what everybody else is doing andmay be people will start to follow them.

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